software systems are developed with respect to tight deadlines.
These tight deadlines are determined by a need to respond to
rapid changes in the market place. The rate of change in the
business environment continues to increase to a level where
existing development approaches and environments are unable
to respond effectively.
Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) is a Rapid Application
Development (RAD) method. It is applicable to those considering
how to improve their time to delivery without endangering
the quality of their systems It recommends the application
of a series of principles, which provide a fast and effective
way to develop systems within limited deadlines and manpower
resources. It is available in the public domain and is being
considered the de facto standard for RAD. It has become very
popular since it was first launched in January 1995, and is
now in use in organisations in the UK, Ireland and a number
of mainland European countries, the USA, India and Australia.
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is a management overview of DSDM and gives an intensive view
of DSDM and its use in software projects. It is intended to
be interactive to draw out the most relevant aspects of the
use of DSDM to the participants.
At the end of the course participants will be have a good
appreciation of:
- What
RAD offers, particularly in terms of business benefit
- The
principles of DSDM and the benefits of their application
- The
underlying process in DSDM, how a project is planned and
- The
key products and their purpose
- The
kinds of projects to which DSDM is suitable
should attend? |
course is of interest to senior business, user, and development
personnel about to start on the development of systems to
be delivered quickly yet reflect the business needs, and who
want to see how DSDM can achieve this.
assumes an understanding of systems analysis and design, and
the operation of software projects.
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