has been a tremendous growth in the Software Industry in Europe
during recent years. However the current slow down in our
economy has brought challenges and many small software companies
may be experiencing difficulties with a need to 'pull in the
reins' to ride out the storms.
these difficult times software developers have to be more effective
and efficient and have to find better ways of ensuring their products
are delivered on time and on budget. This can be a costly business
particularly for the smaller software development companies (SSD's).
its simplest terms everyone wants to be better, faster and cheaper.
This is the market driven reason why software companies are progressively
trying to improve their software development process and it's supporting
structures. Without this they run the risk of being overtaken by
the other players in the World game. This is where we can help by
offering SSD's the opportunity to participate in a 6-Month SPI Programme.
- defined as companies employing up to 50 software staff, including
both small software companies and small software units in user organisations.
The Thinking Behind The Programme
that smaller companies need support and guidance when they try a
new approach for the first time, the programme has been designed
to help companies through their first improvement project. This
is done in conjunction with a Mentor, so there is no need to feel
isolated or uncertain at any point.
To gain the maximum benefits from the company's improvement project
an assessment is carried out, using the SPICE model, to ensure that
the project, selected and undertaken within the programme, will
meet the business needs of the organisation. This ensures that there
is a very clear focus to the project and that it is small enough
to be handled in the 6-month period of the programme, but also provides
tangible benefits to the business at the end.
There are different approaches that can be taken by companies, but
sometimes there is a real need to look at a short, focused programme,
like this one, which will provide the benefits without a huge cost.
The programme will also leave you with the skills to handle your
next SPI project in-house thus reducing the longer term financial
commitment to improvement.
(Software Process Improvement Capability dEtermination) is in the
advance stages of becoming a new ISO Standard (15504). It provides
a framework through which organisations can carry out a software
process assessment, which helps an organisation to focus the improvement
in the most beneficial area for their business.
Step-By-Step Approach
programme uses the 'SPIRE approach' to Software Process Improvement
(SPI) which has already been very successfully tried and tested
internationally. The approach has a basic philosophy that continuous
improvement is most effective when there are frequent small projects,
focused on one or a few software processes, each project taking
weeks or a few months, rather than years.
The key steps are to:
- Analyse
business needs,
- Assess
the current process,
- Prioritise
improvement opportunities,
- Plan
and carry out improvement projects,
- Review
results, and start a new improvement cycle.
programme will provide real business benefits in a short time-scale
to the companies that participate. Depending on the project selected
this can lead to; a reduction in software defects, improved configuration
management, better estimating, increased reuse of developed software,
or better defined and controlled software and user requirements.
Spi Programme Content
the 6-Month programme a group of companies work together and undergoes
training in Software Process Improvement combining all the key elements
for successful improvement initiatives including:
- providing you with the information you need over six 1-day sessions
on how to handle cost effective process improvement in your organisation.
Topics covered will include:
- Introduction
to SPI and the step-by-step approach
- How
to achieve the cultural change necessary to make your project
a success
- Relevance
and importance of a focused SPI Team.
- The
SPICE model
- How
to select an appropriate project or process using the SPICE categories
- Planning
your next project and ensuring continuous improvement
- using the SPICE model we do a structured assessment of your current
practices (using a process assessment tool) and help you choose
the optimum project, which will provide the most business benefit.
- doing your first improvement project can be a daunting task, but
not when you have expert help on hand to guide you through the process.
Each company will have an experienced Tutor assigned who will visit
them on-site and assist with the preparation of a realistic project
plan for the selected improvement project and help guide them through
the implementation of the project and the evaluation of the results.
step-by-step approach ensures success and at the end of the programme
you will have the confidence and experience to continue with your
next project on your own.
Is The Cost Of The SPI Programme?
5000 Euro per company which includes:
- 2
attendees per company at each training session
- All
materials and refreshments
- Assigned
Mentor and 5 half-day site visits
- Email/Telephone
CSE Courses are approved through Enterprise-Ireland
and you may as a company be eligible for grant aid. Contact your
local Enterprise Ireland representative for more information
Do You Find Out More?
information on the Easy way to SPI programme can be obtained by
contacting us on01 700 5750 or emailing admin@cse.dcu.ie
if you are currently thinking of undertaking an SPI project in your
organisation, talk to us for guidance on the help available to you,
whether you want to join this programme, or prefer to look at individual
consultancy in the SPI area.
The Easy way to SPI programme is based on an earlier European
project called SPIRE.
Further information on the SPIRE project can be found by accessing
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