of you were disappointed when the free copies of the SPIRE
Handbook ran out. I am delighted to inform you that a reprint
is now available to order.
the reprint is being handled outside the original EU funded
project a charge is being made for single copies of 25 Euro
including postage (IR£19.69). If you are interested
in ordering multiple copies please contact cse@dcu.ie
for a quotation.
To place an order download and return the order form with your payment or
credit card information to the:
Centre for Software Engineering,
Dublin City University Campus,
Dublin 9, Ireland
or Fax to +353 1 7005605
Better, Faster, Cheaper Software Development in Small Companies
SPIRE Case Studies should convince you of the business case for
your company to invest in SPI. The SPIRE Handbook will help you
take the next steps, actually making it happen!
This valuable book is written in clear English with the minimum
of technical jargon. It is divided into 3 parts:
- Part
1 is a guide for business managers
- your leadership and support will be crucial for the success
of your company's improvement efforts.
- Part
2 is a guide for 'champions' - those who will actually
plan and direct improvement initiatives. It leads you, step
by step, through the activities needed to harvest the benefits
of SPI.
- Part
3 provides the technical know-how your people need
to analyse your software process and implement industry best
practices to strengthen it, focusing improvement priorities
on your business
to view the contents list