![]() The CSE Corporate Membership Scheme offers your company the opportunity to become a Priority Client of the Centre and avail of a range of unique benefits. Our Priority Clients are the primary focus for CSE's mandate of improving software quality and productivity.BenefitsMembershipThe Corporate Membership Scheme is open to all software industry sectors, including in-house IT departments, those developing software as part of embedded systems, communications and control applications, as well as commercial software houses and IT services companies.Rates:Small organisations and academic institutions may become members at a discounted rate, please contact CSE administrationHow to become a Corporate Member
Executive MembershipA special level of executive membership is available to organisations requiring more indepth support services.For futher information contact us or call +353(0)1 7005750 Mail:CSE Administration,Centre for Software Engineering, Dublin City University Campus, Dublin 9, Ireland Fax: +353 1-700 5605
For further information about any CSE activities, contact us:Tel: +353 (0)1 700 5750
Email: cse@dcu.ie
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Website: Red on Green Design