Requirements Engineering

Use Case Fundamentals

Duration: 1 Day Training Course / 9.30am - 5pm
Venue: Centre for Software Engineering
Discount for Corporate Members


Use Cases are a well-established development practice. We can define a use case as being the description of a set of interactions between a user and a system, which result in a tangible business benefit. In short they can be used to capture user requirements for a software system. With more focus on OO projects using the likes of Java, Use Cases are being used to assist with OO development projects. However, they can be applied to traditional development projects too.

Current software development approaches such as the Unified Process and eXtreme Programming are driven by Use Cases. It is the Use Cases that lay the foundations for the project. It is therefore important to apply Use Cases effectively and not to come up with 'Abuse Cases' or 'Misuse Cases'.

There are many ways of applying Use Cases, depending on which expert you listen to. Different approaches are suited to different projects. Some styles are good for usage centred design with innovative front ends. Others are suited to safety critical systems. Less formal styles are suited to small teams where the project is not safety critical.

Who should attend?

The workshop will be of interest to IT professionals involved in the requirements stages of software development projects.

The Event

In this workshop we look at approaches to capturing and writing use cases that allow you to avoid modelling pitfalls. We will show you how to produce useful use case models.

The concepts of use cases will be covered to give the audience a solid grounding in the subject area. The various approaches to writing use cases will be addressed and participants will be shown how to apply these styles in a practical manner. The pros and cons of each style will be highlighted.

The linkages of use case modelling to other stages in software development such as prototyping, analysis and design will be highlighted. This will be shown with reference to development approaches such as RUP, Iconix, Usage Centred Design and Agile Approaches.

At the end of this workshop you will be able to:

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Reserve a Place on This Course

If you would like to book a place on this course, please click on the 'Book Now' link above.

Fees will not be reimbursed and will remain due in full if cancellations are received less than 7 working days before the course starts. However, names of participants may be substituted at any time.

Fees include course material and lunch. Please let us know if you have any special dietary requirements.

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